Stevie Nicks Once Said That She Didn’t Own 1 Fashion Staple
Stevie Nicks’ often-imitated fashion includes gauzy dresses, shawls, platform boots, and the occasional top hat. The singer specially designed the wardrobe to suit her performance style. Because of this, she could incorporate the types of fabrics and accessories that she likes. She also can exclude the items that she doesn’t like. Nicks revealed that there’s one classic clothing item that she doesn’t even own: jeans.
Stevie Nicks worked with a fashion designer to create her wardrobe
After Nicks’ first tour with Fleetwood Mac, she decided that she wanted a custom-designed wardrobe for any further tours. She based the style on a woman she saw in Santa Monica years before. The woman wore a layered skirt, riding jacket, and platform boots.
“This girl obviously had some money, because this was not a cheap outfit,” she told the LA Times. “It was beautiful, and I went, ‘Oh, that’s exactly how I want to look.’”
After joining Fleetwood Mac, Nicks partnered with designer Margi Kent to create an outfit similar to the woman from Santa Monica’s.
“We came up with the outfit: a Jantzen leotard, a little chiffon wrap blouse, a couple of little short jackets, two skirts and boots,” Nicks told The New York Times. “That gave us our edge.”
She wanted a look that she could wear for the rest of her career and was successful in this goal. Nicks has stuck with the style ever since.
She shared that she does not keep jeans in her closet
Nicks has very specific ideas of what she likes in fashion.
“I do love leather and I do love lace, but not necessarily together,” she told Allure in 1995, per The Nicks Fix. “I’m probably happier in a long black velvet dress, black suede boots, and some kind of really beautiful wrap than I am in anything else. I don’t even own a pair of jeans.”
After seeing Nicks spin around the stage in flowing black dresses for years, it is difficult to imagine her in a pair of jeans. Still, she has worn them in the past. She revealed that wearing them helped her discover one of her wardrobe staples: platform boots.
“I remember being in Aspen, having just written ‘Landslide’ and ‘Rhiannon’ walking around in the snow in a bunny coat, a pair of patchwork jeans that I’d spent my last $30 on, and these very high platform shoes that were kind of beige, kind of cream-colored,” she explained. “They had humongous platforms that made me really tall so that I didn’t have to cut off the fabulous bottoms of the jeans. Even when platforms went completely out of style, I kept wearing them because I didn’t want to go back to being five feet three in a pair of heels.”
Stevie Nicks’ fashion sense requires a pair of platform boots
The platform heels have been a key part of her wardrobe for years. Nicks shared that she begins to feel like herself once she puts them on.
“I don’t put the boots on until right before I walk up to the stage,” she explained to Rolling Stone. “But when my little foot goes into that boot, it is like Cinderella. All of a sudden I become me.”
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