Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream Review


The first thing I want to clear up is that I absolutely do not endorse fairness creams. I bought the Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream because usually Vitamin C is mostly used to “brighten up” a dull complexion. Just because it’s one of the key properties of Vitamin C I don’t think any product that contains it should market itself as a fairness cream as it will be nothing more than an outdated marketing gimmick.

Now let’s come back to the product and see how it performed. Well, I’ll be honest the Garnier product that I wanted to originally try was its TikTok viral Vitamin C Serum but then I saw the term Serum Cream on this tube so I bought it. I have seen various videos of the 30x serum but I haven’t seen many reviews about the Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream. So, I decided to review it.

Like me, you also might be wondering what exactly is serum cream. Well, now that I have tried I can tell you that it’s an extremely runny cream. It is thicker than a serum but way too runny to be called a cream. To be honest, it worked for me I wasn’t too bothered by its texture. If you want to buy it as serum then it will work for you but if you are more into thick textured creams then it will be a hard no for you.

Garnier Bright Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream
Credit: StyleRants

Overall Performance of the Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream

How to use it?: After cleansing your face, apply the serum cream, and then to lock its content layer it with a moisturizer. You have to be careful while applying it because the consistency is too thin. It doesn’t take much time to absorb so that’s a great thing.

Fragrance: It does have a rather strong smell. It has the fragrance of fresh lemons. Personally, I didn’t find it unpleasant but I do prefer products without any heavy scent.

Packaging: Garnier Serum Cream is available in multiple sizes. The bigger size comes in a tub while the lesser size comes in a tube. Actually I prefer the tube packaging more. I only have to tilt it carefully on my palm to get the product whereas for a tub you’d have to dip your fingers which is just simply off-putting. I would recommend buying the tube packaging since it will be easy to carry around.

Texture: As I have already mentioned multiple times, the texture is runny. This is why it also works quickly in brightening up the face as soon as you apply it.

Garnier Bright Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream
Credit: StyleRants

Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream Review

Let me just debunk its claim of being a fairness cream. It is really not a fairness cream but a brightening cream. I have normal skin which tends to get dry in the winter season. In the cold weather, not only my skin gets dry but it also gets a bit discolored. When I applied the serum cream the first time, I noticed my skin felt moisturized but more than that it looked bright. The dullness which is often the result of dehydration or cold weather was not there anymore.

Now, I have been using this product for more than three weeks and I can say it does provide good results. However, those end results don’t last too long. To get that instantly brightened up, you’d have to apply the serum cream every day. The day you won’t apply it you will not see the progress from previous days. Also, another great thing is it doesn’t leave any ashy white residue even when it’s not a transparent serum.

If you don’t like the glossy look that most serums provide then you will love the Garnier Serum Cream as it has a matte finish. It is completely oil and shine-free. Many people use moisturizer after it but I don’t think it’s a must. The instant glow it provides is really amazing and it won’t require you to do much after that. While this serum cream can be good for man people it won’t be suitable for those who have active acne as it is not non-comedogenic.

Another important thing there is UVA/UVB written on the packaging. It most probably indicates towards providing protection from harmful sun rays like sunscreen. My advice would be to not use it in place of your sunscreen. This is just good as an instant brightening serum nothing more.


  • Very cheap
  • Easily available
  • Quickly Brightens up face
  • Provides good finish
  • Best drugstore brightening serum cream


  • The fairness cream claim
  • No long-term results
  • Not suitable for all skin types
  • Messy Tub packaging

Final Verdict!

understand that Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Serum Cream is trying a different formula. It might not work for everyone but it did for me. I liked it as an instant brightener, especially in the budget. Most instant brightening creams don’t work and those who do can be quite expensive. This serum cream is really budget-friendly and newbies to the skincare world should definitely try it.

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