Exhibit celebrates Tallahassee women who ‘persevered and prospered’

From left, Linda Hall, Eleanor Dietrich, Lynne Knight, Becki Rutta with daughter Eden, and Mary Jane Ryals put together the "Women Among Us" exhibit opening at LeMoyne on Oct. 14.

In a society obsessed with youth and physical beauty, women of a certain age vanish from the zeitgeist just when they have the most to offer as fonts of institutional knowledge, cultural history and creative energy.

An exhibit opening at LeMoyne Arts on Oct. 14 aims to change that, on the local level at least. “Women Among Us: Portraits of Strength” spotlights 17 Tallahassee women in large, arresting black-and-white photographic portraits printed on aluminum with accompanying haiku and biographic blurbs encapsulating each woman’s gifts and achievements.

LeMoyne Arts:Enthusiasm for life radiates from portraits of 17 remarkable women in LeMoyne exhibit

Things to do:From orchestra to zydeco, pumpkins to plays, fall is hopping

Gadsden Arts:The work of four centuries of women artists on display at Gadsden Arts