Crafted By Mei [Malaysia] – Charm Bracelet, Custom Made Keychain Photos, Bead Pearl Jewelry Handmade: Midnight

Crafted By Mei [Malaysia] – Charm Bracelet, Custom Made Keychain Photos, Bead Pearl Jewelry Handmade: Midnight

Varying shades of dark coloured beads, I reckon it’s more suitable with formal and evening wear.

Something different from my usual fun & casual style 😉

In the center are 2 multi-faceted teardrop crystals. Depending on the angle, the colour changes from purplish to greenish.

Between the teardrops, I packed it with lots of mini sized beads, turning it into a bouquet ball design.

As for the sides, it’s a mixture of both shell pearls (bigger size) and fresh water pearls (smaller size). 

Also worth mentioning are the rivoli crystals in-between the pearls, in brilliant blue and shiny white.

And of course, in the same way as the gold collection, the bracelet length is adjustable, just slide the doughnut shaped silver piece along the chain to loosen and tighten.

(The slight differences of the dark colours are hard to capture, but I would say the most accurate colour depiction is in this modeled photo.)


Shiny Black Round Shell Pearl

Dark Fresh Water Pearl

Faceted Crystal Teardrop

Opal White, Shades of Blue Doughnut Glass Bead

Aquamarine, Brilliant Blue Rivoli Crystal Bead

Denim Blue Faceted Round Crystal Bead


RM 48.00


Ready stock sold out, enquire for remakes

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